Drinking Water VS. IV Therapy

Posted on July 16th, 2024

Whether you are suffering from a long workout, recovering from a sickness, or just trying to survive a long night of drinking, your body needs more than water to recover. You lose electrolytes and vital nutrients when you sweat out too much water, and they aren't restored by just drinking a lot of water. To get these vital nutrients back, you need to replenish your electrolytes and vitamins as well.
Overdrinking too quickly can cause serious stomach problems. This happens when the digestive system strains to remove excess fluid. This also causes nutrients to be expelled from the body.
IV hydration is the most direct way to deliver fluids to the circulatory system and bathe all your tissues and cells in hydration. It is also the fastest, most efficient and most effective way to give you the fluids you need with nutrients and electrolytes.
So what are you waiting for? Schedule today!

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